Rahman, M.H., I.C. Loud, V.Q. Do, M.A. Hamid, K.C. Smith (2025) "Tapered, Interdigitated Channels for Uniform, Low-Pressure Flow through Porous Electrodes for Desalination and Beyond," Electrochimica Acta, 145632. |
2025 |
Smith, K.C., I.C. Loud, M.H. Rahman, C. Warden, V.Q. Do (2024) "A compact, low-pressure manifold with uniform flow at low Reynolds number," Physics of Fluids, 36, 063605. |
2024 |
Do, V.Q., E.R. Reale, I.C. Loud, P.G. Rozzi, H. Tan, D. Willis, K.C. Smith (2023) "Embedded, micro-interdigitated flow fields in high areal-loading intercalation electrodes towards seawater desalination and beyond," Energy and Environmental Science, 16, 3025. |
Hamid, M.A., K.C. Smith (2023) "A bottom-up, multi-scale theory for transient mass transport of redox-active species through porous electrodes beyond the pseudo-steady limit," Journal of Power Sources, 565, 232756. |
2023 |
Shrivastava, A., V.Q. Do, K.C. Smith (2022) "Efficient, selective sodium and lithium removal by Faradaic deionization using symmetric sodium titanium vanadium phosphate intercalation electrodes," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, accepted. |
Liu, S., K. Smith (2022), "Effects of Interstitial Water and Alkali Cations on the Expansion, Intercalation Potential, and Orbital Coupling of Nickel Hexacyanoferrate from First Principles," Journal of Applied Physics, 131, 105101. |
2022 |
Reale, R.E., L. Regenwetter, A. Agrawal, B. Dardon, N. Dicola, S. Sanagala, and K.C. Smith (2021), "Low porosity, high areal-capacity Prussian blue analogue electrodes enhance salt removal and thermodynamic efficiency in symmetric Faradaic deionization with automated fluid control," Water Research X, 13, 100116. |
Liu, S. and K.C. Smith (2021), "Linking the polyatomic arrangements of interstitial H2O and cations to bonding within Prussian blue analogues ab initio using gradient-boosted machine learning," Physical Review Materials, 5, 035003. |
2021 |
Nemani, V.P. and K.C. Smith (2020), "Robust Simulation of Coupled Reactions and Transport in Redox Flow Batteries Using Tailored Numerical Schemes," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 167, 103504. |
Liu, S., V.Q. Do, and K.C. Smith (2020), "Modeling of Electrochemical Deionization Across Length Scales: Recent Accomplishments and New Opportunities," Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 22, 72. |
Li, Z., L.A. Robertson, I.A. Shkrob, K.C. Smith, L. Cheng, L. Zhang, J.S. Moore, and Y Z (2020), "Realistic Ion Dynamics through Charge Renormalization in Nonaqueous Electrolytes," Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124, 3214. |
Hamid, M.A. and K.C. Smith (2020), "Modeling the Transient Effects of Pore-Scale Convection and Redox Reactions in the Pseudo-Steady Limit," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 167, 013521. |
Nemani, V.P. and K.C. Smith (2020), "Assignment of Energy Loss Contributions in Redox Flow Batteries using Exergy Destruction Analysis," Journal of Power Sources, 447, 227371. |
2020 |
Shrivastava, A., S. Liu, and K.C. Smith (2019), "Linking capacity loss and retention of nickel hexacyanoferrate to a two-site intercalation mechanism for aqueous Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21, 20177. |
Reale, R., A. Shrivastava, and K.C. Smith (2019), "Effect of Conductive Additives on the Transport Properties of Porous Flow-Through Electrodes with Insulative Particles and their Optimization for Faradaic Deionization," Water Research, 165, 114995. |
Wang, Y., K.C. Smith (2019), "Numerical investigation of convective transport in redox flow battery tanks: Using baffles to increase utilization," The Journal of Energy Storage, 25, 100840. |
Robertson, L. A., Z. Li, Y. Cao, I.A. Shkrob, M. Tyagi, K.C. Smith, L. Zhang, J.S. Moore, and Y. Zhang (2019), "Observation of Microheterogeneity in Highly Concentrated Nonaqueous Electrolyte Solutions," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141, 8041. |
Liu, S., K.C. Smith (2019), "Intercalated Cation Disorder in Prussian Blue Analogues: First Principles and Grand Canonical Analyses," Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 10191. |
Hand, S., X. Shang, J. Guest, K.C. Smith, R.D. Cusick (2019), "Global sensitivity analysis to characterize operational limits and prioritize performance goals of capacitive deionization technologies," Environmental Science and Technology, 53, 3748. |
Bhat A.P., E.R. Reale, M. del Cerro, K.C. Smith, R.D. Cusick (2019), "Reducing impedance to ionic flux in capacitive deionization with Bi-tortuous activated carbon electrodes coated with asymmetrically charged polyelectrolytes," Water Research X, 3, 100027. |
2019 |
Nemani, V.P., K.C. Smith (2018), "Analysis of Crossover-Induced Capacity Fade in Redox Flow Batteries with Non-Selective Separators," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 165, A3144. |
Shrivastava, A., K.C. Smith (2018), "Electron Conduction in Nanoparticle Agglomerates Limits Apparent Na+ Diffusion in Prussian Blue Analogue Porous Electrodes," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 165, A1777. |
Reale E.R., K.C. Smith (2018), "Capacitive Performance and Tortuosity of Activated Carbon Electrodes with Macroscopic Pores," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 165, A1685. |
Liu S., K.C. Smith (2018), "Quantifying the Trade-offs between Energy Consumption and Salt Removal Rate in Membrane-free Cation Intercalation Desalination," Electrochimica Acta, 271, 652. |
Zemlyanov, D., M. Jespersen, D. Zakharov, J. Hu, R. Paul, A. Kumar, S. Pacley, N. Glavin, D. Saenz, K.C. Smith, T.S. Fisher, A. Voevodin (2018), "Versatile Technique for Assessing Thickness of 2D Layered Materials by XPS," Nanotechnology, 29, 115705. |
2018 |
Shang, X., R.D. Cusick, K.C. Smith (2017), "A Combined Modeling and Experimental Study Assessing the Impact of Fluid Pulsation on Charge and Energy Efficiency in Capacitive Deionization," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164, E536. |
Porada, S., A. Shrivastava, P. Bukowska, P.M. Biesheuvel, K.C. Smith (2017), "Nickel Hexacyanoferrate Electrodes for Continuous Cation Intercalation Desalination of Brackish Water," Electrochimica Acta, 255, 369. |
Iyer, V.A., J.K. Schuh, E.C. Montoto, V.P. Nemani, S. Qian, G. Nagarjuna, J. Rodríguez-Lopez, R.H. Ewoldt, and K.C. Smith (2017), "Assessing the impact of electrolyte conductivity and viscosity on the reactor cost and pressure drop of redox-active polymer flow batteries," Journal of Power Sources, 361, 334. |
Nemani, V.P. and K. C. Smith (2017), "Uncovering the role of flow rate in redox-active polymer flow batteries: simulation of reaction distributions with simultaneous mixing in tanks," Electrochimica Acta, 247, 475. |
Smith, K.C. (2017), "Theoretical evaluation of electrochemical cell architectures using cation intercalation electrodes for desalination," Electrochimica Acta, 230, 333. |
2017 |
Dmello, R., J.D. Milshtein, F.R. Brushett, and K.C. Smith (2016), "Cost-driven materials selection criteria for redox flow battery electrolytes," Journal of Power Sources, 330, 261. |
Duan, W., R.S. Vemuri, J.D. Milshtein, S. Laramie, R.D. Dmello, J. Huang, L. Zhang, D. Hu, M. Vijayakumar, W. Wang, J. Liu, R.M. Darling, L. Thompson, K. Smith, J.S. Moore, F.R. Brushett, and X. Wei, "A symmetric organic-based nonaqueous redox flow battery and its state of charge diagnostics by FTIR," Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4, 5448. |
Chen, X., B.J. Hopkins, A. Helal, F.Y. Fan, K.C. Smith, Z. Li, A.H. Slocum, G.H. McKinley, W.C. Carter, and Y.-M. Chiang (2016), "A low-dissipation, pumpless, gravity-induced flow battery," Energy and Environmental Science, 9, 1760. |
Smith, K.C. and R. Dmello (2016), "Na-Ion Desalination (NID) Enabled by Na-Blocking Membranes and Symmetric Na-Intercalation: Porous-Electrode Modeling," Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163 A530. |
2016 |
Hopkins, B.J., K.C. Smith, A.H. Slocum, and Y.-M. Chiang (2015), "Component-cost and performance based comparison of flow and static batteries," Journal of Power Sources, 293 1032. |
Nemani, V.P., S.J. Harris, and K.C. Smith (2015), "Design of Bi-Tortuous, Anisotropic Graphite Anodes for Fast Ion-Transport in Li-Ion Batteries," Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 162 A1415. |
Wei, T.S., F.Y. Fan, A. Helal, K.C. Smith, G.H. McKinley, Y.-M. Chiang, and J.A. Lewis, "Biphasic Electrode Suspensions for Li-Ion Semisolid Flow Cells with High Energy Density, Fast Charge Transport, and Low-Dissipation Flow," Advanced Energy Materials, 5 1500535. |
Jackson, G.R., K.C. Smith, P.C. McCarthy, and T.S. Fisher (2015), "Modeling of Thermal Storage in Wax-Impregnated Foams with a Pore-Scale Submodel," Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 29 812. |
2015 |
Smith, K.C., Y.-M. Chiang, and W.C. Carter (2014), "Maximizing Energetic Efficiency in Flow Batteries Utilizing Non-Newtonian Fluids," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 161 A486. |
Smith, K.C., I. Srivastava, M. Alam, and T.S. Fisher (2014), "Variable-cell method for stress-controlled jamming of athermal, frictionless grains," Physical Review E, 89 042203. |
Fan, F., W.H. Woodford, Z. Li, N. Baram, K.C. Smith, A. Helal, G.H. McKinley, W.C. Carter, and Y.-M. Chiang (2014), "Polysulfide Flow Batteries Enabled by Percolating Nanoscale Conductor Networks," Nano Letters, 14 2210. |
Smith, K.C., V.E. Brunini, Y. Dong, Y.-M. Chiang, and W.C. Carter (2014), "Electroactive-Zone Extension in Flow-Battery Stacks," Electrochimica Acta, 147 460. |
2014 |
Li, Z., K.C. Smith, Y. Dong, N. Baram, F. Fan, J. Xie, P. Limthongkul, W.C. Carter, and Y.-M. Chiang (2013), "Aqueous semi-solid flow cell: demonstration and analysis," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15 15833. |
Rao, K.D.M., B. Radha, K.C. Smith, T.S. Fisher, and G.U. Kulkarni, (2013) "Solution-processed soldering of carbon nanotubes for flexible electronics," Nanotechnology, 24 075301. |
Smith, K.C. and T.S. Fisher (2013), ‚Äö"Conduction in jammed systems of tetrahedra," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 135 081301. |
Srivastava, I., S. Sadasivam, K.C. Smith and T.S. Fisher (2013), "Combined Microstructure and Heat Conduction Modeling of Heterogeneous Interfaces and Materials," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 135 061603. |
Cadena, M.J., R. Misiego, K.C. Smith, A. Avila, B. Pipes, R. Reifenberger, and A. Raman (2013), "Sub-surface imaging of carbon nanotube-polymer composites using dynamic AFM methods," Nanotechnology, 24 135706. |
2013 |
Smith, K.C. and T.S. Fisher (2012), "Models for metal hydride particle shape, packing, and heat transfer," International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 13417-13428. |
Smith, K.C., P. Mukherjee, and T.S. Fisher (2012), "Columnar order in jammed LiFePO4 cathodes: Ion transport catastrophe and its mitigation," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14 7040-7050. |
2012 |
Smith, K.C., T.S. Fisher, and M. Alam (2011), "Isostaticity of constraints in amorphous jammed systems of soft frictionless Platonic solids," Physical Review E: Rapid Communications, 84 030301(R). |
2011 |
Smith, K.C., T.S. Fisher, U.V. Waghmare, and R. Grau-Crespo (2010), "Dopant-vacancy binding effects in Li-doped magnesium hydride," Physical Review B, 82 134109. |
Smith, K.C., M. Alam, and T.S. Fisher (2010), "Athermal jamming of soft frictionless Platonic solids," Physical Review E, 82 051304. |
2010 |
Bhuvana, T., K.C. Smith, T.S. Fisher, and G.U. Kulkarni (2009), "Self-assembled CNT circuits with ohmic contacts using Pd hexadecanethiolate as in situ solder," Nanoscale, 1 271-275. |
Smith, K.C., Y. Zheng, T.S. Fisher, T. Pourpoint, and I. Mudawar (2009), "Heat transfer in high-pressure metal hydride systems," Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 16 1-15. |
Grau-Crespo, R., K.C. Smith, T.S. Fisher, N.H. de Leeuw, and U.V. Waghmare (2009), "Thermodynamics of hydrogen vacancies in MgH2 from first-principles calculations and grand-canonical statistical mechanics," Physical Review B, 80 174117. |
2009 |
Smith, K.C., C. Kemeny, R.J. Cipra, and B. Duerstock (2008), "Vision aid for power wheelchair users," ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 2 045001. |
2008 |